
The establishment of Kaunas Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park (KAIIP) aims to significantly stimulate economic and innovation development in the Kaunas region by attracting investment capital and talent from both Lithuania and abroad. It will be a hub for innovative companies to thrive, expand, collaborate with research institutions, and create added value for the entire country. The park will be conveniently situated close to the city centre on the left bank of the Nemunas River in the heart of Aleksotas, between Europos Avenue and Lakūnų Road, on the site of the former Kaunas Aviation Factory. The location, which spans approximately 30 hectares, provides quick access to universities and other key locations in the Kaunas innovation ecosystem.

The newly established Kaunas Aleksotas Innovation Industrial Park aims to bring together research and development, as well as innovation companies, which will create high added value and form the high-tech core of Kaunas. It is expected that investors, both from Lithuania and abroad, who choose to operate within KAIIP will create at least 1,100 well-paid jobs and employ over 142 researchers. As an economically significant facility for the country, the development of KAIIP will commence with the opening of the reconstructed hangar. This space will accommodate innovative companies specializing in life sciences, industrial machinery, equipment and tools, and information and communication technology (ICT). The park’s areas of specialization are designed to meet the needs of investors of different sizes and industries.
www.innovationpark.kaunas.lt Total area



www.innovationpark.kaunas.lt Economic
Object of




million of



million of

private capital investment
www.innovationpark.kaunas.lt New


www.innovationpark.kaunas.lt Development

from 2023

to 2046m.

KAIIP Kaunas Bus Station 3,7 km Nemunas Island: 3,7 km Zalgiris arenaWater Sports CenterScience island Old Town 3,7 km S. Darius ir S. Girėnas Aerodrome 2,2 km LSMU Kaunas Clinics 6,6 km LSMU Veterinary Academy 6,6 km Kaunas Railway Station 3,1 km Lithuanian University of Health Sciences 3,6 km Vytautas Magnus University 4,9 km Tech park Kaunas 5,1 km VMU Academy Agriculture 6,6 km KTU Campus 4,5 km Airport 19,5 km Kaunas Free Economic Zone 12,3 km Center 3,7 km Kaunas Intermodal Terminal 14,2 km


  • An 8-street network with pedestrian and bicycle paths, with lighting routed up to the boundary of the leased plots.
  • Gas supply networks: there are two gas connection points in the vicinity of the plot (Europos Avenue and Lakūnų Road).
  • Electricity: the current capacity of the KAIIP site is 2.6 MW.
  • Wastewater: the wastewater engineering network is built in conjunction with the street network of the KAIIP site.
  • Heating: the KAIIP site is served by a central heating main line.
  • Telecommunication networks: a cable duct system is installed in conjunction with the street network of the KAIIP area
  • Water supply and wastewater networks: the water supply and wastewater engineering networks are laid in conjunction with the KAIIP street network (water – 300 m3/d., wastewater – 800 m3/d.)
The operator holds the land of the KAIIP site in trust. Possible land uses are industrial and warehousing sites.


  • Life sciencesi
  • IMET – industrial machinery, equipment and tools
  • ICT – Information and communications technology
KAIIP will prioritize companies in these areas. However, if the KAIIP operator permits, the park will also be accessible to companies specializing in at least one other national priority research and development (R&D) and innovation theme.


  • Investments planned by the company in the KAIIP area
  • Creation of long-term jobs by the enterprise
  • Creation of new long-term researcher jobs by the company
  • Relevance of the enterprise to the estimated KAIIP specialisation areas
  • Level of innovation of the company, assessed according to a specific methodology.

Site of KAIIP

A 1345 0,43 Hangar
B 1169 1,00 Parking lot
C 1006 0,80 Offices
D 877 0,55 Industry
E 1053 0,55 Industry
F 10923 0,55 Industry
G 13072 0,55 Industry
H 7909 0,55 Industry
I 6634 0,55 Industry
J 16918 0,55 Industry
K 10869 0,70 R&D
L 16275 0,70 R&D
M 12803 0,55 Industry
N 10548 0,55 Industry
O 8621 0,55 Industry
P 8614 0,55 Industry
R 11914 0,66 Industry (more intensive)
S 11885 0,66 Industry (more intensive)
T 10882 0,66 Industry (more intensive)
U 10814 0,66 Industry (more intensive)

„Innovation Hangar“

First floor Land area m2 Intended function
A 1345 Industry, storage
B 1169 Industry, storage
C 1006 Industry, storage
D 877 Industry, storage
E 1053 Industry, storage
Second floor Land area m2 Intended function
F 5283 Laboratories, administration
The reconstructed hangar, spanning an area of 10,000 m2, presents companies with an exciting opportunity to redesign their production space to cater to their individual needs. The first floor of the hangar will cater to companies specializing in engineering manufacturing, while the second floor will be used for life science laboratories and administrative premises for companies operating across all KAIIP specializations.

The special technology of raised flooring on the second floor will allow maximum flexibility in planning and fitting out the space to suit the tenants’ needs, while also ensuring the floor remains airtight and reliable. This feature enables tenants to customize the space and adapt it to their specific requirements with ease.


1. 1. Application <1 Submission of the investor’s application
Investors wishing to locate in the KAIIP area must complete an Investor Application Form approved by the KAIIP Operator.

• Investors wishing to lease premises in the building at Europos pr. 27 must complete an Application Form (Application) approved by the KAIIP Operator.
• Investors wishing to locate on a KAIIP site must complete an application form approved by the KAIIP Operator (Application is being drawn up).
2. Administrative conformity assessment of the application <30 Assessment of the applicant
The assessment process determines whether the applicant’s application satisfies the general eligibility selection criteria and if all necessary information and requested documents have been submitted. If there is any uncertainty regarding the information or documents provided by the applicant, they may be requested to provide additional information to confirm compliance with the qualifying eligibility criteria.
3. Assessment of the eligibility of the application <30 Qualitative assessment of the application
The Panel assesses the application of a potential investor against a list of specific selection criteria. Once the Panel members have familiarised themselves with the information provided in the application of a potential investor, the applicant will be invited to a meeting at which the KAIIP Panel will clarify or collect additional information in order to assess the applicant’s compliance with the specific selection criteria, such as the applicant’s activities in the field of innovations, the activities planned and investments in the territory of the KAIIP, the infrastructural needs of the (sub-)rented plot or premises, and any other issues related to the application.

The assessment of applications shall be carried out in accordance with the “Description of the Procedure for the Establishment in KAIIP and the Determination of the Lease Fee for Premises” approved by the Decision No. T-459 of the Kaunas City Municipal Council of 17 October 2023. The application assessment process determines the proposed amount of the establishment and/or rental fee.
4. Entering into the investor agreement <40 Signing of the Agreement
After approving the application of a potential investor, the Panel makes a proposal to the Operator (currently the Director of Kaunas City Municipal Administration) regarding the conclusion of the agreement.

The investor, intending to lease premises in the building at Europos pr. 27, is invited to sign an agreement (Lease Agreement for the Premises located in KAIIP). The Agreement shall consists of general and special conditions adjusted for a particular investor. The Agreement includes the amount of the rental fee, the terms of establishment and other issues.

An investor intending to establish in the area of KAIIP and wishing to lease a plot, is invited to sign an agreement (KAIIP Establishment Agreement).The Agreement shall consists of general and special conditions adjusted for a particular investor. The Agreement includes the amount of the rental fee, the terms of establishment and other issues.

Insights from Key Players

Visvaldas Matijošaitis Mayor of Kaunas City
Kaunas has been and remains an academic city. We have almost every possible study programme in our institutions of higher education. Many young people study, live and work here. After graduation, highly qualified professionals will find well-paid jobs and even more reasons to build their futures here. While Kaunas was considered an industrial city, it has been dominated by technology and health sciences for some time now. The new Innovation Industrial Park in Aleksotas will reinforce this progress, boosting the economic development of the whole region and attracting investment capital and talent from all over Lithuania and abroad.
Prof. Rimantas Benetis Rector of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
We are pleased to see the Aleksotas Innovation Park as another opportunity to accelerate the development of the life sciences sector in Kaunas. Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) brings together a strong community of practitioners, scientists, researchers and life science start-ups. Health innovations are our strength. We welcome this new ambitious Innovation Park, and I hope that together we will be able to play an active role in creating a creative, continuously learning, healthy and safe Kaunas city, region, and the whole country.
Paulius Nezabitauskas Director of Tech-Park Kaunas
Kaunas is a recognised academic city. It is home to many young talented and enterprising people studying, living and creating technologies and businesses. The concept of the Aleksotas Innovation Park and the existing infrastructure is an opportunity for the city to make a strong breakthrough by bringing together the city’s strongest assets: university researchers, progressive and ambitious companies, start-ups, foreign corporations, venture capital enterprises.
Prof. Eugenijus Valatka Rector of Kaunas University of Technology
It is great to witness and contribute to the growth of Kaunas, not only in terms of infrastructure, but also in business, science and culture. Aleksotas Innovation Park is an important step towards creating high added-value jobs, fostering cooperation between science and business, bringing together the developer and start-up communities, and ultimately attracting investment to Lithuania. I am confident that KTU’s contribution to the creation and development of this innovation park will be significant for both present and future generations.


www.innovationpark.kaunas.lt Joremita Ona Urmonaitė „Kaunas IN” Business Division Project Manager [email protected] +370 608 49 259